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№ 2020/2

Political economy


1Institute for Economics and Forecasting, NAS of Ukraine

Political economy of alienation and exploitation of labor: theoretical ideologues and objective reality

Ekon. teor. 2020; 2:20-53https://doi.org/10.15407/etet2020.02.020


The article deals with subjective reasons of the formation of theoretical ideologemes and reveals their special nature. The author analyzes approaches of the representatives of the three main doctrines of political economy to the understanding of the content of transformation in the relations of alienation and exploitation of labor under the conditions of global domination of corporate monopolistic capitalism. Based on critical analysis, revealed the content of common theoretical ideologemes of refuting the alienation and exploitation of labor in modern conditions, including: the theory of "welfare economy"; theory of "human capital"; theory of "expansion - enrichment - humanization" programs of labor functions; and theory of implementation of the principles of "strategic management".
The author considers the problems of determining the real degree of alienation and exploitation of labor, justifies his proposal on the need for practical implementation of an additional indicator "rate of alienation of the necessary product", and reveals the content of the method to calculate this indicator. Presented a detailed characteristic of modern conditions and revealed the reasons and factors of the extreme character of alienation and exploitation of labor in Ukraine.

Keywords:alienation of labor, exploitation of labor, labor, capital, contradiction of labor-capital relations, theoretical ideologeme, socio-economic confrontation, socio-economic justice, rate of exploitation, rate of alienation of the necessary product

JEL: А13

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Article in Ukrainian (pp. 20 - 53) DownloadDownloads :215