The new rules of the articles’ presentation of journal “Economic Theory”
The Editorial accepts for consideration articles written specifically for the journal “Economic Theory” on the main problems of economic theory. For the article registration, the author(s) should submit:
1. Paper contract on the transfer of copyright signed by all the authors in two copies (contract sample see on the journal’s site).
2. In electronic form (sent by e -mail or on CD/DVD carriers) a manuscript copy, it is advisable to call the file by the name of the first author of the article, for example, Kovalenko.doc.
The article (text, tables, references, figures with captions, Ukrainian, Russian and English summaries and key words should not be less than 15 pages and no more than 24 pages of 40 thousand characters including the spaces between words and punctuation.
Materials for publication must be submitted in a Microsoft Word supportable format, (A4 portrait, font Times New Roman, font size 14 pt, 1.5 intervals; each margin 2 cm).
Footnotes should be placed on page bottom and made with standard Word tools (insert – quote – footnote).
Graphic materials should be presented in the formats allowing further editing: tables – in Microsoft Word; diagrams (charts) – in Microsoft Excel or Microsoft Graph; organization charts – in Microsoft Word drawing editor; and mathematical formulas – in Microsoft Equation (3.0).
Figures and diagrams should be made in Word and grouped within a single object.
Graphics scanned or taken from the internet and pasted into Word documents are unacceptable as they are not suitable for printing.
Please provide separate graphics files (must contain numeric data associated with the picture). All graphics should be high quality and clearly presented in black and white.
Tables should have titles and numbers. Table notes should be placed directly under tables (“source:” or “constructed based on:” or “constructed by author”).
Quotes from Ukrainian and Russian sources should be presented in original language.
Article structure
1. Info about the article:
- UDC index (above, to the left of the author’s name);
- name, patronymic (if any) and surname of the author (other authors’ details separated with comma);
- article title;
- summary in Ukrainian, Russian and English, which should reflect: general description of the article’s problem (one to two sentences); article’s objective; used research methods; main scientific results; the work’s theoretical and practical importance.
Summary’s volume should be no less than 1800 characters. Summary’s text should not duplicate the article’s preface or conclusions;
- key words (no more than six, key phrases should not be long);
- JEL Classification Code
2. The author(s) details are mentioned in footnotes:
- Surname, name and patrimony (if any);
- Academic degree, academic title;
- position, place of work, full official name and main address of the employer;
- research field;
- contact e-mail, contact person’s email for multiple authors;
- program within which the article is written.
3. Article text The structure of the article must comply with the requirements of the Higher Attestation Commission of Ukraine. According to the Resolution of the Presidium of the Higher Attestation Commission of Ukraine № 7-05/1 of 15.01.2003, the editorial boards of scientific media in Ukraine may only recommend printing the scientific articles containing the following building blocks:
- a clear statement of the problem in general and its relationship with important scientific or practical problems , the formulation of the article’s objectives; analysis of the publications on the investigated subject, summary of the results of other researchers, indicating poorly investigated aspects of the research problem, presentation of the research material with justification of scientific results with an emphasis on the main ideas and novelty, the study’s findings, and prospects of further research (see Bulletin of the Higher Attestation Commission of Ukraine. – 2008. – № 3. – pages 9-13 and 2009. – № 5. – pages 26-30).
4. Reference quotes in the article’s text:
- quoting the sources of the used materials is compulsory;
- quoting the author’s own publications is only acceptable in extreme need;
- the quoted author’s surname, year of publication and quoted pages are mentioned in brackets (if necessary): The work (Marshall, 1983. P. 96) points out …;
- if the surname of an author of Ukrainian or Russian source (including translated ones) if mentioned in the article’s text, then only year of publication (and pages if necessary) is mentioned): As J.M.Keynes (1999. С. 352) pointed out…;
- in case of two authors, two surnames are mentioned, if the authors are more than two, the first author’s surname with “et al” is mentioned; in case of a simultaneous quoting of multiple sources, they are separated with comma: (Obstfeld, Rogoff, 1995. P. 631; Ivanov et al. 2012; Radcliffe et al., 1984);
- if more than one works of the same author are quoted, years of publication are mentioned separated by semicolon: (Dementiev, 1996; 2005).
5. References:
- placed in the article’s end (after main text);
- only include the publications mentioned in the article’s text;
- presented in alphabetic order: first Ukrainian and Russian publications, then the foreign sources;
References do not include: legal acts, statistical publications, and archive materials, newspaper publications not signed by the author or electronic sources without titles. Such sources are included in footnotes. 6. English info about the article (placed on the last page) is submitted as a separate file including:
- article name;
- author’s name, surname (transliteration);
- each author’s occupation (full official English language name of the employer);
- town, country;
- article’s summary (in Russian or Ukrainian and English for bibliographic reference databases); from 350 to 500 words;
- key words;
- JEL Classification Codes;
- references (Latin transliteration);
- contact author’s e-mail.
Articles not meeting the present rules will not be accepted.
The articles are reviewed by two independent reviewers appointed by the Editorial Board. In case of negative review, the article may be returned for revision or rejected about which the author is notified. The article’s version corrected by the author and agreed with the reviewers is considered final, after which no change of text, figures or tables is admissible. The article is registered on receipt of the final version.
The contract of the transfer of the copyright only enters into force after the adoption of article’s publication.
Responsibility for the accuracy of the facts, proper names, place names, quotes, numbers, and other information lies on the authors.
Each author receives a free author’s copy of the journal.
The Editorial Board does not conduct correspondence with authors.