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№ 2017/2

Political economy


1Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics

Stability of social development: interdisciplinary research experience

Ekon. teor. 2017; 2:5-18https://doi.org/10.15407/etet2017.02.005


The problems of sustainable social development in the context of interdisciplinary research have been analysed, the main factors for social and economic stability in Ukrainian society have been identified. The article highlights the priorities of transition to the new models of social stability in Ukraine, as well as the associated economic risks and restrictions.

Keywords: stability, instability, social development, social development models, values, middle class, oligarchy.

JEL: A120:O110

Article in Russian (pp. 5 - 18) DownloadDownloads :607
Article in Ukrainian (pp. 5 - 18) DownloadDownloads :647