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№ 2017/4

Institutional problems of economic development


1Institute for Economics and Forecasting, NAS of Ukraine

Value-institutional and structural-technological basis of the dynamics of equality and inequality

Ekon. teor. 2017; 4:32-46https://doi.org/10.15407/etet2017.04.032


The article considers the modern value-institutional and technological developments as such that deepen the gaps in socio-economic systems and generate new dimensions of inequality that cannot always be detected and identified. The author proves that inequality turns from the external background of the ongoing changes into one of the main sources of uncertainty in the further development of global economy. The conclusion is substantiated that an increasing burden falls on the society’s institutional mechanisms of inequality control and mitigation, in particular, on the system of affordable and high-quality public education and social services

Keywords:economic inequality, institutions, values, status, identity, social lifts, technological development, efficiency

JEL: J38, J45, J50

Article in Russian (pp. 32 - 46) DownloadDownloads :550
Article in Ukrainian (pp. 32 - 46) DownloadDownloads :459