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№ 2018/1

Political economy


1Vinnytsia National Agrarian University

Model of Ukrainian economic miracle: typological features

Ekon. teor. 2018; 1:45-58https://doi.org/10.15407/etet2018.01.045


Ukraine has all the prerequisites for overcoming the economic crisis, ensuring a rapid (with a GDP growth rate of around 10%) and sustainable development of the national economy for several decades, that is to create an economic miracle. Such a miracle has been already reached by Germany, Japan, South Korea, Singapore and some other countries. To achieve it in Ukraine, it is necessary to choose a national economic model that would be adequate to the conditions of the country and to implement it. This model should be formed on the basis of partial economic models, selected on the basis of one or several features.
The purpose of the study is to build, on the basis of partial economic models, such a Ukrainian economic model that would allow this country to become a phenomenal economic success or economic miracle.
Partial economic models are selected: by society type, dynamics of economic development, type of economic system, key bearers of property relations, basic economic theories, degree of centralization, reform model, and character and duration of reforms. It is established on the basis of which partial economic models the basic national models were formed, such as the Soviet, liberal (American), neoliberal (German), European-Keynesian, Social-Democratic (Swedish), Japanese, Chinese and Slavic ones, from which the author separates the current Ukrainian model and the prospective (optimal) one for this country, which is targeted at the Ukrainian economic miracle. Within the limits of national economic models, a number of immanent features of national economies have been recorded: concentration of production, dominance of capital (industrial and financial), technological and innovative level, stages of achieving competitiveness, orientation of foreign economic activities, and social orientation of the economy. It is shown that the modern Ukrainian economy has many features of the Soviet model and several features of the American economic model. The Ukrainian economic miracle, as well as the miracles of other countries, is represented through the implementation of a complex of reforms, key drivers of economic success and changing the change of immanent characteristics of the national economy.
Based on the partial economic models presented in Western European and Japanese economic models, an optimal Ukrainian economic model or that of the Ukrainian economic miracle has been formed. It is shown that this model can be implemented on the basis of institutional reforms and the reform of the financial and real sectors of the economy.
For Ukraine to achieve an economic miracle, it is necessary to choose a fundamentally different eco-nomic model. It involves the transition from an industrial-type economy to a post-industrial economy, from overtaking development - to a leading one, from a market economy - to a mixed one, from state-monopoly based capitalism - to a people’s one, and from the monetarist and liberal economy - to a neoinstitutional and dirigist one. Among the models of reforming the Ukrainian economy, preference should be given not the first (liberal type) one, but the second one (dirigist type) and, accordingly, the model should not be based on "shock therapy", but on gradualism

Keywords:economic model (partial, national), comparative analysis, typological characteristic, economic reforms, economic miracle

JEL: P160, P260

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